Explore Siberian cat colors: What color is my Cat? - seregiontica.org
Find out more about the Cat Financier's Association Siberians breed profile: CFA BREEDS
Find out more about the Cat Financier's Association Siberians breed profile: CFA BREEDS
Siberian cats are especially noted for their being non-allergenic for most people because of their low FEL D1 protein in their saliva which, when high in a cat, is what causes reactions in most people with cat allergies. Siberians are very intelligent, loving cats who love to play. Siberians are generally sweet and easy to handle with dog-like characteristics. They are not generally loud when they cry, but make sweet mewing sounds and chirps. Siberians groom themselves and remain mostly tangle free. Their coats get long and heavy in the winter and they shed them in the spring. There are no known health problems associated with the Siberian Cat Breed. All colors are acceptable, the average litter size is 5, and they have a long life span of 10-18 years.
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Growing up on a farm, my family always had a cat in the house as well as cats to keep the mice down in the barn. They were all tame as there were 6 kids in my family and we were always holding them. It was always comforting having a cat to snuggle with or feel it rub up and purr against my legs.
Food - What you feed your kitten is very important for his or her health for growth or overcoming viruses or bacteria. I recommend both of these dry cat foods: Life's Abundance Cat Food www.lifesabundance.com/ and 4health All Stages Cat Food www.tractorsupply.com
Cats also need the meat in wet food. I make it by boiling chicken thighs, putting them in a blender, adding a 1/2 cup of Baby Gerber Rice and broth from the chicken you have boiled. I keep it covered in a bowl in the refrigerator and feed some each day.
Cats also need the meat in wet food. I make it by boiling chicken thighs, putting them in a blender, adding a 1/2 cup of Baby Gerber Rice and broth from the chicken you have boiled. I keep it covered in a bowl in the refrigerator and feed some each day.
Kittens Instinctively love to play. I advise lots of toys and fun times with your kitten. I have found that playing with your hands or fingers and especially on their tummies can lead to biting and scratching. If you only use your hands for holding and petting and toys for play I think you will be very happy with your kitten. Here are some links to find cat toys and supplies. chewy.com and https://valleyvetsupply.com
Litter Box and Litter- My kittens are litter box trained when you get them. I advise using unscented clumping litter. Unscented because if someone is allergic to the perfume in the litter they may react from the litter box. I use clumping because it gets rid of the urine also. I have found that using a large litter box with a lid keeps your kitten and floor cleaner. A large one because these kittens get big. To clean the litter box on a daily bases I scoop up the clumps out of the litter box and put them into a large plastic Zip Lock Bag and then dispose of it. PetSmart https://petsmart.com and Petco are good places to look for supplies www.petco.com/ I also advise completely changing out the litter twice a month to get rid of any germs that may be growing in the litter box.The ASPCA has a lot or helpful information on such things as why your cat may stop using the litter box and other advice. aspca.org
Health Ailments - Prevention is best. Keep your kitten vaccinated. If your kitten gets any feces on him or her give it a bath. Bathing in the bathtub is not as frightening to them as the sink. And keep your kitten free of parasites. I Frontline between the shoulders. It is safe for pregnant cats, nursing kittens, and kittens 8weeks and older. I use Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo to bath adamspetcare.com but find one that fits you. I also use Panacur for worm control. It is a liquid by mouth and removes all kinds of worms including Tape Worms. Some good sites for Health Ailments are: pethealthnetwork.com and Veterinary help: http://catvets.com/?utm_source=domain&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=AAFPonline
If you are interested in cat shows then you can find them on the TICA Calendar: https://tica.org
Cute cat names: thehappycatsite.com
Furniture With Durable Fabrics - Rooms ToGo .com understands that furry friends can cause plenty of wear - and - tear in our homes. They have very nice furniture with dogs and cats in mind. They carry a large assortment of furniture plus storage for animal toys and even steps for old and young dogs and cats to be able to get on couches. https://www.roomstogo.com/home-blog/pet-friendly-living-room-furniture
If you are not allergic to cats here are some more places that you might be able to find you a kitten. https://Pets4You.com
More information on the Siberian Breed https://petfinder.com/cat-breeds/siberian/